Thursday, February 26, 2009

Testimony from Mr. Doug Eide from San Antonio, TX

It was a dreary January day when I started drinking Kangen Water.

My Enagic SD501 Kangen Water generator arrived the first week of the new year (2008). My wife and I were just a bit skeptical that it would do very much. I started by making and consuming about 4 to 5 litters of Kangen Water every day. In a short time, I noticed that I had more energy. Other improvements started to happen gradually in my body as well:

Energy - My energy level has improved dramatically. I feel like I have regained my life. I feel like I have the energy level that I had 25 years ago, as a runner and triathlete. Indigestion - My problems with the ongoing indigestion, I have experienced, for the last few years have completely disappeared. Weight Loss - I lost almost 15 pounds in my first 3 or 4 months and have kept it off, without changing my eating habits. Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels - This is a great area for me since my daily blood sugar levels have been consistently lower and my A1C tests are also lower, to the warm surprise of my physicians. Since, I have had diabetes for over 15 years, with a steady worsening of my blood sugar levels, the doctors were warning me that they wanted to evaluate me for going onto a daily regimen of insulin shots. With my improvement, that I believe came as a result of drinking the Kangen Water, this is no longer being considered. Arthritis and Pain - Before drinking Kangen Water, my joints were painfully stiff and I couldn't actively jog or run. I was unable to grip anything strongly. After a few months of consuming an average of 4 litters (or more) daily, I have regained my strong grip and the ongoing pain in my joints has diminished to virtually nothing. I am now able to walk and jog again. Exercise and Lactic Acid - Before I started drinking the Kangen Water I seldom exercised. It just drained me too much. But that has changed, and I now walk / jog for 3 to 5 miles, four to five times a week. Also, I had a significant amount of post exercise lactic acid buildup, which is painful and discourages exercise expansion. As a result of drinking the water, I believe, that this lactic acid buildup is very mild and my recovery time is much faster (compared to what it used to be even years ago). Teeth (and Bones) - A friend of mine, told me that she experienced a gradual tooth re-calcification of her teeth as a result of consistently drinking Kangen Water. I was, of course, very skeptical of this, but as time has passed my remaining live teeth have become very perceptively whiter than my partial (false) teeth. This did not happen overnight, but even my dentist, is at a loss to explain the changes in my live teeth to a 4x brighter whiteness. This excites me as I am hoping that I have a similar improvement in my bone density. Healthy Sleep - I now sleep better (more restfully and more satisfactorily) and seem to feel fine with a little less sleep than I used to before drinking Kangen Water. I am glad to state that my former insomnia is in the past now. Constipation - I used to have a real problem with daily constipation. Thankfully, I am now very regular and have had no more pain and discomfort from ongoing constipation. I believe that the Kangen Water has significantly assisted in this resolution. Cholesterol Levels - My physicians warned me last year, prior to my purchasing the Kangen Water generator that my bad cholesterol lab results were gradually getting worse. They were considering putting me on daily medication, and discussed diet changes that they recommended to assist me. Healthy Feelings - As a result of my daily consumption of Kangen Water, I feel healthier than I have in years, and believe that my body is functioning better than it has since I was in my twenties. I am able to exercise more and have had significantly reduced pain levels and arthritis problems and constipation and digestion discomforts. I would gladly sell my car before I would give up my SD501 Kangen Water generator. I am thrilled with the many things that the Kangen Water has done for me! I did not expect these dramatic results. Most of the positive results came gradually, as I consistently drank the water every day. I am not claiming that Kangen Water will do any of the above for anyone else, but it has been wonderful for me!
DISCLAIMER: Obviously everyone is different and so their effects from consuming Kangen Water will differ. That is why the company will not (and legally cannot) make any specific health claims.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Eyesight Testimony

Eyesight Testimonial from Sandy
I am so excited this morning I just had to share this with you! I have been drinking the Kangen® water now for 3 days and using the beauty water on my face, hair and splashing it over my eyes. This morning I noticed I could read the small print on business cards which I have had problems with before.
1 year ago, I paid $3,800 for Lasik surgery so that I wouldn’t need reading glasses anymore. It worked for the first three months, then after that my eyes started regressing back and I had to strain them to see small print. It was 6 months later when they did the procedure on me a second time and I have been going in for eye visits every two months since. My eyes were again regressing back. Three days ago I had my two month visit and the doctor agreed my reading capability is regressing again. I should also mention the types of eye therapies he was prescribing over the last year. I was using Restasis® drops morning and night, OptiveTM Lubricant Eye drops throughout the day (5-6 times), plus I have been taking prescription Bio Tears oral gel caps.
Despite using these three different types of medication therapies, my doctor was surprised that my eyes had not improved.
Here’s my exciting news! It was Sunday morning in my office when I noticed that my eyesight had improved dramatically. I could now see the small print on documents and business cards. I had done absolutely nothing different – except -- I began drinking micro-fine super hydrating Kangen® water. I attended a public meeting Thursday evening February 12th where I was able to fill up and take home two gallons of 9.0 and 9.5 pH water.
I have averaged drinking 7-9 (16oz) bottles daily since Thursday night. The very next day on Friday, I received my Enagic Kangen® water unit delivered by UPS. So, it had been 3 days of drinking this Kangen® water when I got up this past Sunday morning to do bills. Surprisingly, I was able to read the small print on the statements when I hadn’t been able to do before! I have appointments every other month with my eye doctor and the next one is coming up the beginning of April. If this continues and he sees this improvement, he is going to ask what I have been doing differently!
I have lost 4 pounds since starting on this Kangen® Water. Also, the tone of my skin is smoother which tells me that the fat cells are releasing the amount of acidity in them therefore reducing my puffiness and cellulite.
Unbelievable! I can’t wait to see more health results from this incredible water! I could never have imagined that this super hydrating water was going to help my eyes!
That’s my story! WOW!
Sandy, Phoenix, AZ