Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cholesterol Build Up Reversed
Several years ago, I began to having chest pains. Though my situation was no life-threatening, I was told that my cholesterol levels were very high. Ever since then I have struggled to get my cholesterol down. It has been as hight as 245, and the lowest it had ever been was 221.
Then a friend of mine introduced me to hexagonal water which I began to drink regularly. The results were amazing! After only six weeks, I returned to my doctor for more blood tests and was shown that my cholesterol was down to 182 - the lowest in seven years! What five years, three medications, and hundreds of dollars in expenses could not accomplish, drinking hexagonal water had done. Now after a year on the water, my cholesterol is still low. I appreciate the extra boost of energy that hexagonal water gives me and I love how smooth it tastes. Everyone in the family notices the difference when we occasionally have to resort to drinking bottled water. -- Luis A. Texas
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Kidneys, Emphysema, Diabetes Impact
I met some lady at a store where I work and she told me to go down to the health food store and get some water from Jimmy Branton. Jimmy was showing a short 7-minute DVD and giving out Kangen Water. Of 50 people who saw the DVD; 45 took water home.
My lungs were at 55% efficiency -- now they are 71% - 74%. And I forget to turn my oxygen on sometimes. So I am without it maybe 30 minutes before I realize it.
Tom Williams
Monday, March 16, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Lifetime Back Pain Gone

I drank a gallon a day of Kangen Water for three days and have not suffered again in a year and a half now from back pain. Also my life-time winter skin rashes have been non-existent for 2 winters now. I also have a 12- year-old dog that was barely moving -- he is now running around the yard and climbing stairs again! I have a relative on dialysis who has regained his energy by drinking Kangen Water and his skin cleared up. He is now able to urinate on his own after not being able to for 11 years!
Imani Ma'at, Atlanta GA
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I just don’t even know where to begin!! I always lived a pretty active, healthy life, playing on the church softball and volley ball teams since age 12, playing handball for a couple of my married years, gardening, helping my husband to build fences, playing tennis for many more years. At about 30 with a newborn, a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old, my health started to deteriorate ever so gradually. At about 40, most of the extra curricular activities ceased.
I have since studied many hours each day to find out more about the properties of the water. I’ve shared it with as many people as would put their skepticism aside and I will continue to do that for years to come. I know that Kangen Water™ doesn’t heal specific things like lupus, cancer, asthma, etc. Our bodies were divinely made to regulate and heal themselves. Properly drinking this water is the best thing that anyone could ever do for themselves because it helps your body to be in the best condition to do that . As Dr. Thomas Rau has said (paraphrasing) If we can increase the body’s pH, decrease the oxidation, and increase the minerals into the cells, our bodies can heal themselves of ANYTHING!! I know what it has done for me and I know what it can do for anyone who is willing to just try it. There is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: “If you find something that benefits your life for good, you have a moral obligation to share that with others.” That is my new passion in life!
Wishing you health & wellness,
Char Goodwin Phoenix, AZ
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Water helps Tri-Athlete Performance
67 Year-Old With Multiple Ailments
Acid Reflux - Blood Pressure - Colon Cancer - Cataracts
I am 67 years old 6' 7" and I weigh in at 300 pounds. I have had many health challenges. I had heard about Kangen water a year ago, and finally decided to investigate further. October ‘08 I ordered a machine I started drinking 9.5 water, about 2 to 3 quarts per day. Immediately I started to have the detox effect, since I have been house-bound due to a accident Apr 17 ’08: both legs are in braces, it is easy for me to make trips to the bathroom. The detox lasted 2 days, nothing too bad -- just taught me to walk a little faster with my walker. The first thing I noticed, my acid reflux and heart burn started to lessen.
I have been on Prilosec prescription and OTC for 18 years. My bed is elevated 4 inches at the head end and I slept on 2 or 3 pillows every night. I have been on blood pressure medicine for 15 years; 1 pill per day. I have had cataracts, floaters and flashes in my eyes for 3 years. I had colon cancer in 2001. They took out half of my colon and a resection was performed. I have a colonoscopy every year; the last one Sept ’08. At that time I had 2 large polyps, and thank goodness they were benign. In 1991 I had a tumor about the size of a quarter, removed from under my left ear, and it was benign. The last two years the tumor had been coming back, increasing to original size. My Doctor wanted to take it out soon.
Since I started drinking Kangen water, I am off ALL medications, my blood pressure is 120 over 70 and never over 2 or 3 points off. I have no more re-flux or heart burn. I eat anything, anytime I want. The floaters and flashes have left my eyes [I am anxious to have cataracts checked next month]. The tumor is completely gone from my neck -- it was very evident to the naked eye, now it is gone. When I and my wife noticed it was gone, I called everyone I knew with the news. I have been bothered with several warts on my arms, neck, back and hands that I treated over the years. They always came back, but now they are gone. The brown spots on my hands are gradually leaving; I wash them in 5.5 water.
Another success note: My grandson broke his leg playing football and the surgeon put a steel rod in his femur. The scar became infected where his belt line rubbed. His mother tried several things to heal it. We sprayed strong acidic 2.5 pH water on his leg, and in 2 days it completely healed.
My dog had a ringworm lesion on his back, which we sprayed 2.5 pH water on, and in 3 days, it was gone!
The Enagic Kangen Water machine and the water it produces, has been a blessing for me, my family, my friends, and the people I give the water to.
Millie, Sam, Kirk, Anne and Thera and many others on the calls, have been such a great support team: they are always ready to help. They are right, drink the water, share the water and get out of the way, so that health and success will come.
February 28 2009
This is a follow up to my previous testimonial.
Exactly one year ago I had a lung and sinus infection, which I had for 6 weeks, had gone to 2 doctors, had taken many shots and many prescriptions. Finally was referred to a pulmonary clinic at a local hospital. While there I was put thru a series of breathing tests and x-rays, I was told I had C.O.P.D chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They gave me a very strong shot of ROCEPHIN®, that sent me into shock, blood pressure went down to 60 over 17, since his office was in the hospital they took me into emergency and inverted my body for 2 hours and finally restored my blood pressure to acceptable ranges, then admitted me for 2 days. Doctors gave me 3 types of inhalers plus 3 other prescriptions to ease my problems. The doctor told me my lung capacity would be 60 to 70 percent for the rest of my life, since I had C.O.P.D. they could control it, but not cure it. This was caused from smoking for 30 years, I quit in 1991.
Persistent Ear Infection Overcome

My experience with Kangen Water is life changing.
I thank God I found this wonderful Kangen Water! I now find that sharing this miracle water with others is providing me a better growing income than I had in the traditional job world.
Crohn's Disease & Kangen Water
I started drinking Kangen Water approximately in December of 2008. For the last 3 years my disease had slowly but steadily gotten worse. There are many foods such as certain fruits and vegetables that I could no longer tolerate to eat. Loose stools and diarrhea became the norm and not the exception. Heartburn and acid reflux were an everyday occurrence for me. I had decided that this was just the way my life was going to be. I was always going to have to keep my medication with me and say goodbye to the foods I could no longer eat. I would probably have as I got older, at the least, scarred intestines and at the worst, colon cancer. The very first day I started drinking Kangen Water, my heartburn and acid reflux disappeared. Within a week my stools became normal and I actually had a bit of constipation. That hadn't happened since I was 18! I haven't had to take any medication for my Crohn’s since I started drinking Kangen Water. I'm slowly adding back the foods that I couldn't have and am glad to report that I can tolerate lettuce and grapes again. I'm so looking forward to trying watermelon this summer. I have missed that the most. Because of the very nature of my disease, my body does not absorb vitamins very well, especially the B vitamins. On top of that, vitamin supplements made me sick to my stomach. Not only is my body now getting vitamins from my food more effectively, but I can tolerate supplements again.
I always thought that I slept well for the most part but after a week of drinking Kangen Water I realized I didn't know what good sleep was. I woke up refreshed (I thought that was just a saying) and ready to start my day. I still have aches and pains, because I'm an active 42 year old, but the strains and pinches don't last as long or are as intense as they used to be. A strained back muscle no longer knocks me down for the rest of the day but only for a few hours. I don't have to take stronger medications to get rid of the pain like ibuprofen (which irritates the stomach) but can get by with just Tylenol.
I always knew water was good for you and an important part of bodily function, but I never thought it could change my health so dramatically. Thank you Mindy, Rick, and Kangen Water!
Staci Daniel
Leigh, NE
Bone Density Improvement Measured
77-Year Old Improves Bone Density
Hello, my name is Greta DeHart. I am Anne DeHart’s sister-in-law.
I got my SD501 Kangen Water™ generator in June of 2008. I began drinking the 8.5 pH water… then worked up to 9.5 pH… but only drank it when I thought about it. Then, I learned I should be drinking 4 glasses of Kangen Water™ every morning 45 minutes before eating.
Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) is 1.126 gm/cm2, T score -0.6 and Z score 1.1. These values are in the normal range and demonstrate a 3.9% improvement compared to the previous exam. Prior density was 1.084 gm/cm2.
Greta DeHart
Dog Lovers & Veterinarians
Here's a story about my dog, Ginger. Ginger is a red poodle & she'll be 6 in February. When the Vet checked her teeth he showed me her BLACK gums and said she would have to have her teeth cleaned. Her breath smelled terrible. Well, I tried to clean them with a small cloth, as he said... but no luck. When I finally took her in, I was presented with a cost estimate of OVER $700! In all my years of dog-ownership, that topped them all!
Then I got to thinking of all the stories about 2.5 pH helping people who were suffering with gingivitis. So I declined the "cleaning" which included anesthesia, drugs, pain meds and opted to apply my 2.5 pH strong acidic Kangen water.
I did this at least once a day, at bedtime. I just take the 2.5 pH black spray bottle, pull up her lips and spray! I try for doing this twice a day.
Well... you should see her pretty pink/red gums again! And her breath has no odor! And I did not have to pay for an expensive invasive cleaning! Anne DeHart, Tucson, AZ