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Shan Stratton has become a committed distributor for Enagic, USA and KangenWater equipment.
Shan is a Sports Nutritional Consultant for the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL,
NY YANKEES, AZ DIAMONDBACKS, HOUSTON ROCKETS, LA DODGERS, etc. He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on. He states that drinking Kangen Water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.
Shan did quite a bit of due diligence on Enagic, USA as a company before joining our cause by going to the California USA headquarters. There, he met with executive staff and scientists, and personally investigated the integrity of both the company and the products.The reason for this is that he has tremendous integrity at stake with his involvement with so many high powered sports figures and coaches internationally. Shan is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist, and a renowned motivational speaker. Shan is committed to the mission of changing the "sick care" of America and the world over to a true Health & Wellness Care system. He is passionate about being an International speaker helping educate the world about the tremendous health benefits of drinking alkalized, antioxidant-charged, super-hydrating Kangen™ Water from the only company that has the seal of approval from the Japanese medical community.Enagic, the manufacturer has the distinction of having the ONLY equipment certified to be a MEDICAL DEVICE by the Japanese Ministry of Health – and the only equipment in the world to be tested and guaranteed for quality and safety by the prestigious Japanese Association ofPreventative Medicine for Adult Diseases. When you associate with Enagic, USA and our quality products for health, you associate with the best.