Sunday, August 23, 2009


Kangen™ Water as used with champion Arabian horses
For the last 14 years I have been a breeder of Arabian horses and competed on a National level. I have four National Championships and numerous Reserve and Top 10 honors with my show horses. I have for many years been into healthy foods and alkaline water and have done the same for my horses by choosing an alkaline cool over the traditional hot acid diet. I feed Timothy Hay, Colorado Grass Hay and one of my favorite grain substitutes is a fabulous new product called Cool Stance made from coconut. I thought my horses were on the perfect low NSC diet and I gave no consideration to the quality of water they were drinking. After reading about Kangen Water™ one year ago and buying my own machine I was curious what it could do for horses. I could not find any testimonials so I did my own experiment. My mare was going to the big Scottsdale Arabian Show in February and she competes in Western Pleasure. Her routine at the show was to be two 45-minute workouts daily, which I knew would of course cause swelling and inflammation in her legs and they would need to be wrapped. It is common at the shows to walk the barn aisles and see leg wraps on the majority of horses from being worked hard. I decided to bring Magnetic Pashahn, 25 gallons a day of fresh Kangen water™ for 17 days at the show. She drank a good majority of that water daily and was always eager when I arrived with fresh 9.5 pH water. What I observed is her legs never swelled up from inflammation and she was pain free rather than sore. She never had to wear leg wraps the entire show whereas the other horses did. It was truly incredible! I recommend the use of the 2.5 pH for scratches, ringworm and cuts. The 5.5 pH is of course excellent for manes and tails and keeping the skin from being dry. The drinking water is phenomenal for horses especially on a heavy grain diet where they are at risk for ulcers, laminitis, founder, tying up (all the man made diseases) since it neutralizes the lactic acid build up. The 11.5 pH is great for horses that have swelling in their legs and one can wrap a soaked towel around the swollen area then put a standing wrap bandage on and wait 30 - 45 minutes. It is amazing to see the swelling recede!
Rhonda Davis, Arizona

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shan Stratton joins Enagic to promote Kangen™ Water!

Shan Stratton has become a committed distributor for Enagic, USA and Kangen Water equipment.
Shan is a Sports Nutritional Consultant for the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL,
NY YANKEES, AZ DIAMONDBACKS, HOUSTON ROCKETS, LA DODGERS, etc. He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on. He states that drinking Kangen Water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.

Shan did quite a bit of due diligence on Enagic, USA as a company before joining our cause by going to the California USA headquarters. There, he met with executive staff and scientists, and personally investigated the integrity of both the company and the products.
The reason for this is that he has tremendous integrity at stake with his involvement with so many high powered sports figures and coaches internationally. Shan is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist, and a renowned motivational speaker. Shan is committed to the mission of changing the "sick care" of America and the world over to a true Health & Wellness Care system. He is passionate about being an International speaker helping educate the world about the tremendous health benefits of drinking alkalized, antioxidant-charged, super-hydrating Kangen™ Water from the only company that has the seal of approval from the Japanese medical community. Enagic, the manufacturer has the distinction of having the ONLY equipment certified to be a MEDICAL DEVICE by the Japanese Ministry of Health – and the only equipment in the world to be tested and guaranteed for quality and safety by the prestigious Japanese Association of Preventative Medicine for Adult Diseases.
When you associate with Enagic, USA and our quality products for health, you associate with the best.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fibromyalgia/Severe Pain/ Degenerative Disc Disease/MS

Severe Pain & Fibromyalgia Gone

I have suffered many years with a very debilitating form of fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease and have also been symptomatic with MS. Too often, the pain is so severe I become extremely nauseated which triggers profuse vomiting. I also experience episodes of violent muscle spasms that attack multiple areas all over my body at the same time. These episodes or attacks are so violent I will actually be thrown onto the floor in a convulsive-like state, flopping around helplessly like a fish out of water. I have had numerous drug therapies and physical therapies—but my condition has only continued to progress. Nothing seemed to help—so I just accepted it as a “normal” part of my life and that nothing could be done to stop its painful progression. When I was introduced to the Kangen® Water, I was at first very skeptical. But with the first couple of glasses, I actually felt some relief to my pain! That was truly amazing! I didn’t have to take any mind-altering drugs to get relief! We immediately purchased a machine. Now I have been drinking the 9.5 for about 6 months and amazingly, I am 90-95% well! I have many consecutive days without any pain whatsoever! This is significant to me because until drinking the water, I was in pain every single day—and very sick. My life is back and I am a whole person again! This water has given me freedom I haven’t had in many years. I truly consider this Kangen® Water a wonderful gift from God!

Susan Biddulph, Phoenix, AZ

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jillian Michaels endorses Kangen Water

Jillian Michaels endorses Kangen Water

Jillian Michaels, famous weight loss & fitness expert, and trainer on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" recently endorsed Kangen Water from Enagic on Los Angeles KFI AM Radio Talk Show as the special ionized alkaline micro-fine water people should be drinking for weight loss and getting their bodies back into balance.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Kidney Stones - Hot Flashes - Cirrhosis - Heavy Metals

My 70 year old father passed a kidney stone after drinking 1 gallon of this water. He woke up in the middle of the night (which he usually doesn't do) and had some pain that lasted about 1 minute, then it was over. It was his first kidney stone he ever passed. Without the water, it would probably have been more painful and very likely would have required a visit to the ER.

My mom's hot flashes during the day and her severe night hot flashes are gone. She has had them for 18 years and has spent thousands of dollars and hormone creams and herbs. She says she's sleeping better and has lost at least 10 pounds. She's 5'4" and only 120 pounds.

As for myself (34 yrs. old) I have been able to stop boiling Chinese tea after 6 years because of my cirrhosis. (no, I wasn't an alcoholic) This has been the greatest miracle. Tea is very acidic; after I started drinking the Kangen Water, my bowels rejected the tea. I first bought a KYK Genesis water ionizer that pulled out heavy metal toxins so forcefully that my skin turned gray and I had unusual groin pain so severe that I went to the ER twice (nothing could be done there). So my family and friends prayed for me until I got the Enagic Kangen Water machine which IMMEDIATELY began to work. My pain went away and I was able to drink at least a gallon a day. When the groin pain comes back (which is rare now),I chug down a quart and the pain goes away within minutes. I can even get away with using Redmond's Real Salt in moderation without feeling uncomfortable. Before drinking the Kangen Water, I was so bloated that I could not sleep and I looked like I was 8 months pregnant. I can also tolerate the smell of heavy chemicals without running out of the room. I'm sure in time the Kangen water will pull out these heavy metals and be a major part of reversing my cirrhosis.
Thank you God for sending me Kangen Water!
~S DeLashmutt (California)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cholesterol Build Up Reversed

Increase in hexagonal water inproves water turnover in cells - reduces cholesterol
Several years ago, I began to having chest pains. Though my situation was no life-threatening, I was told that my cholesterol levels were very high. Ever since then I have struggled to get my cholesterol down. It has been as hight as 245, and the lowest it had ever been was 221.
Then a friend of mine introduced me to hexagonal water which I began to drink regularly. The results were amazing! After only six weeks, I returned to my doctor for more blood tests and was shown that my cholesterol was down to 182 - the lowest in seven years! What five years, three medications, and hundreds of dollars in expenses could not accomplish, drinking hexagonal water had done. Now after a year on the water, my cholesterol is still low. I appreciate the extra boost of energy that hexagonal water gives me and I love how smooth it tastes. Everyone in the family notices the difference when we occasionally have to resort to drinking bottled water. -- Luis A. Texas

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kidneys, Emphysema, Diabetes Impact

March 22, 2009 Major Health Challenges Change for the Better!
I met some lady at a store where I work and she told me to go down to the health food store and get some water from Jimmy Branton. Jimmy was showing a short 7-minute DVD and giving out Kangen Water. Of 50 people who saw the DVD; 45 took water home. I talked to Jimmy and took the longer DVD home. I watched the DVD and started drinking the water that day -- the 8.5 pH water. This was on February 17th, 2009. Since 1992 I have had three heart attacks, died once, have a pacemaker, had open heart surgery, melanoma cancer -- I take 13 pills in the morning and seven at night. I am on oxygen 24/7; I have emphysema and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). My lung capacity was 55% - 58% -- My blood oxygen content was 71% to 79%. My kidneys: the cretin level was 1.8 and when it reaches 2.0, it is time for dialysis. My cretin now is down to 1.4, and my doctor told me that that would not happen. He told me “You are in kidney failure and there is no way to go back.” It is 1.4 now, and 1.2 - 1.3 is normal! I am almost there!I was taking 100 units of Levemir® insulin a day for diabetes (a slow-acting insulin) and 75 units of NovoLog®, which is a fast-acting insulin. Now I am down to about 30 units a day NovoLog® and don’t take any of the Levemir®. My blood sugar readings before sometimes got as high as 524, but now its down to 89, 94, or 114 -- in that range.
My lungs were at 55% efficiency -- now they are 71% - 74%. And I forget to turn my oxygen on sometimes. So I am without it maybe 30 minutes before I realize it. As to energy -- I had trouble just walking to the bathroom -- and now, I walk .6 of a mile! A year ago last July they gave me 2 weeks to live because of my lungs. I went to Mayo Clinic, and they got rid of 44 pounds of water. And then, just this February, when I started drinking Kangen Water, I lost another seven pounds between Tuesday and Friday! My skin color has changed and everybody notices it. I used to be extremely white -- and now my skin is nice and pink and people notice it and comment on it. My blood pressure had been 194/114 -- and now it is 144/76!! As of today, I have been on the water for 39 days. Of course, these changes actually happened some days ago -- so I wasn’t even on the water a month! I am really just getting started!

Tom Williams

Dothan, Alabama

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Lee Weiss and I'm a wellness consultant for Enagic and Kangen Water. My main market is the U.S. yet I speak Spanish. I really am looking forward to the Enagic opening of Mexico on April 24th! For 15 years I've suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia but since I started drinking Kangen water I am symptom FREE!!! Kangen water can change your life, too!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lifetime Back Pain Gone

I had back pain for 21 years
I drank a gallon a day of Kangen Water for three days and have not suffered again in a year and
a half now from back pain. Also my life-time winter skin rashes have been non-existent for 2 winters now. I also have a 12- year-old dog that was barely moving -- he is now running around the yard and climbing stairs again! I have a relative on dialysis who has regained his energy by drinking Kangen Water and his skin cleared up. He is now able to urinate on his own after not being able to for 11 years!
Imani Ma'at, Atlanta GA

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



I just don’t even know where to begin!! I always lived a pretty active, healthy life, playing on the church softball and volley ball teams since age 12, playing handball for a couple of my married years, gardening, helping my husband to build fences, playing tennis for many more years. At about 30 with a newborn, a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old, my health started to deteriorate ever so gradually. At about 40, most of the extra curricular activities ceased. It got to the point that I could not sleep at night for more than a couple of hours at a time. I was always exhausted and couldn’t figure out why most of the time. My back hurt so bad that I would literally have to crawl out of bed and then hang on to the bed post to get up. I got vertigo so bad that I couldn’t drive. At home I had to hang on to the walls and counters. I had nose bleeds that actually gushed for hours. My back hurt so badly that I’d walk for a few feet and then have to sit down before I fell down. The shower water hurt my shoulders & back on the softest setting. My husband and children endured much. All the time . . . going to doctors to try to find out what was causing all of this yet made to feel like it was all in my head or it was due to the barometric pressure changes. Some of these symptoms subsided for a while and I was able to function, then they’d come back. When I felt good, I tended to take on tasks that were overwhelming and I would be back to square one. One of those tasks was a Crafter’s Boutique at Christmas time which my sister and I put on, with about 100 crafters. One day during set-up, one of the crafters was sitting and resting, and probably feeling guilty for doing so, she told me that that’s the only way she could keep going because she had lupus. I asked her about her symptoms and guess what? They were exactly what I had been experiencing for years and so went back to the doctors and asked to be tested for lupus. Sure enough, that’s what it was. I was about 48 by this time. My medical doctors obviously didn’t know much about lupus, let alone about alkaline vs acidity in the body. But neither did I at that point. . . . but wait, weren’t they suppose to know more than I? I was put on strong medication, hydroxychloroquine, which of course has some side affects, and along with some supplements, things began to get better, and even close to normal sometimes. Still not great, but I felt human again. At age 53 I lost my husband suddenly and so my responsibilities around the house doubled, was trying to maintain a cabin, and trying to work part time to make ends meet . . . .and I couldn’t seem to keep up but I did my best for the next 6 years, trying to be independent and not asking for help. I came home from the cabin in November of 2007 and a friend of mine who knew of my pain told me about Kangen Water™ and you probably know my initial silent response: “water?” “right!” But out of respect I told her I’d try. Well, within 3 weeks I had gone down one pant size and the best part . . . . I was sleeping through the night and even dreaming every night. I hadn’t dreamt in about 20 years, as you don’t dream until you get into your deepest sleep. WOW! And I’d wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world. I could now handle my own luggage and the airport scene wasn’t overwhelming. I could walk for miles on the boardwalk at the beach. I could go from 6 AM until midnight without stopping, every day! I could hold my grandbabies without having to give them back to mom after 1 or 2 minutes because my arms, shoulders and back hurt. People that I hadn’t seen in years asked me what I was doing, and told me that I looked better than they’d seen me in many years. I didn’t know what to do with all this new found energy. Well, I don’t recommend that anyone do what I did next. I decided in May to go off of my medications without telling the doctor . . . just to see what the results would be. In October I got my blood lab work done and made a doctor’s appointment. He had the lab results there and I asked him how they looked? He looked them over and said that they all looked normal. I asked if he was sure, which he said yes, and then I told him what I had done and about the water. He was not really pleased that I had done that but he said he hoped that it continue working for me... but he didn’t want to know anything more about it.

I have since studied many hours each day to find out more about the properties of the water. I’ve shared it with as many people as would put their skepticism aside and I will continue to do that for years to come. I know that Kangen Water™ doesn’t heal specific things like lupus, cancer, asthma, etc. Our bodies were divinely made to regulate and heal themselves. Properly drinking this water is the best thing that anyone could ever do for themselves because it helps your body to be in the best condition to do that . As Dr. Thomas Rau has said (paraphrasing) If we can increase the body’s pH, decrease the oxidation, and increase the minerals into the cells, our bodies can heal themselves of ANYTHING!! I know what it has done for me and I know what it can do for anyone who is willing to just try it. There is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: “If you find something that benefits your life for good, you have a moral obligation to share that with others.” That is my new passion in life!

Wishing you health & wellness,

Char Goodwin Phoenix, AZ

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Water helps Tri-Athlete Performance

Dr. Trish Vinzani, a Chiropractor and Athlete practicing in Atlanta, GA - Shares how during a Triathlon Competition Kangen Water hydrated her and provided much needed energy.  She began drinking Kangen Water for the first time only the day before the event.  Her team prepared enough Kangen Water for every bottle needed during the day long race.  In such a short amount of time this super-hydrating Kangen Water was enough to make an amazing difference: Trish knocked a full half hour off of her best time ever.  She also experienced a notable reduction in muscle soreness after this endurance event.  This indicates how effective Kangen Water is at shuttling oxygen to cells and how effective it is in removing lactic acid from the body to avoid muscle burn.

67 Year-Old With Multiple Ailments

Acid Reflux - Blood Pressure - Colon Cancer - Cataracts

I am 67 years old 6' 7" and I weigh in at 300 pounds. I have had many health challenges. I had heard about Kangen water a year ago, and finally decided to investigate further. October ‘08 I ordered a machine I started drinking 9.5 water, about 2 to 3 quarts per day. Immediately I started to have the detox effect, since I have been house-bound due to a accident Apr 17 ’08: both legs are in braces, it is easy for me to make trips to the bathroom. The detox lasted 2 days, nothing too bad -- just taught me to walk a little faster with my walker. The first thing I noticed, my acid reflux and heart burn started to lessen.

I have been on Prilosec prescription and OTC for 18 years. My bed is elevated 4 inches at the head end and I slept on 2 or 3 pillows every night. I have been on blood pressure medicine for 15 years; 1 pill per day. I have had cataracts, floaters and flashes in my eyes for 3 years. I had colon cancer in 2001. They took out half of my colon and a resection was performed. I have a colonoscopy every year; the last one Sept ’08. At that time I had 2 large polyps, and thank goodness they were benign. In 1991 I had a tumor about the size of a quarter, removed from under my left ear, and it was benign. The last two years the tumor had been coming back, increasing to original size. My Doctor wanted to take it out soon.

Since I started drinking Kangen water, I am off ALL medications, my blood pressure is 120 over 70 and never over 2 or 3 points off. I have no more re-flux or heart burn. I eat anything, anytime I want. The floaters and flashes have left my eyes [I am anxious to have cataracts checked next month]. The tumor is completely gone from my neck -- it was very evident to the naked eye, now it is gone. When I and my wife noticed it was gone, I called everyone I knew with the news. I have been bothered with several warts on my arms, neck, back and hands that I treated over the years. They always came back, but now they are gone. The brown spots on my hands are gradually leaving; I wash them in 5.5 water.

Another success note: My grandson broke his leg playing football and the surgeon put a steel rod in his femur. The scar became infected where his belt line rubbed. His mother tried several things to heal it. We sprayed strong acidic 2.5 pH water on his leg, and in 2 days it completely healed.

My dog had a ringworm lesion on his back, which we sprayed 2.5 pH water on, and in 3 days, it was gone!

The Enagic Kangen Water machine and the water it produces, has been a blessing for me, my family, my friends, and the people I give the water to.

Millie, Sam, Kirk, Anne and Thera and many others on the calls, have been such a great support team: they are always ready to help. They are right, drink the water, share the water and get out of the way, so that health and success will come.




February 28 2009

This is a follow up to my previous testimonial.

Exactly one year ago I had a lung and sinus infection, which I had for 6 weeks, had gone to 2 doctors, had taken many shots and many prescriptions. Finally was referred to a pulmonary clinic at a local hospital. While there I was put thru a series of breathing tests and x-rays, I was told I had C.O.P.D chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They gave me a very strong shot of ROCEPHIN®, that sent me into shock, blood pressure went down to 60 over 17, since his office was in the hospital they took me into emergency and inverted my body for 2 hours and finally restored my blood pressure to acceptable ranges, then admitted me for 2 days. Doctors gave me 3 types of inhalers plus 3 other prescriptions to ease my problems. The doctor told me my lung capacity would be 60 to 70 percent for the rest of my life, since I had C.O.P.D. they could control it, but not cure it. This was caused from smoking for 30 years, I quit in 1991. I went back yesterday, Feb. 27th ‘09 for my one year checkup. I again went thru the series of 7 breathing tests then sent back to the examination room. When the doctor came back in, he had the results in his hand and had a puzzled look on his face. He asked if I was using my inhalers -- my answer was, no not for 7 months -- are you still taking the meds -- my answer was no, not for 7 months -- are you working out everyday -- my answer was no, my legs do not allow me to walk without my walker. He said “I haven't seen anyone recover quite like this; your lung capacity is back to 100%, what are you taking?” I told him: a 81mg. Bayer aspirin, and an Omega 3 capsule, everyday. Also, I am drinking 3 to 4 quarts of Kangen water per day. Since he asked, I was happy to give him the full Kangen story. Before I left, I gave him my card, sent him to my web-site, and told him I would bring the DVD called: “Why Kangen Water” for him to view. His comment was, keep doing what you are doing, it must be working.

Persistent Ear Infection Overcome

7 Year Ear Infection Yields to Kangen Water!

My experience with Kangen Water is life changing. I worked for a major Internet company that used headsets for our phone servicing of customers. I shared a headset one time when mine was unavailable. As a result, I contacted a very serious infection in my ear. This infection lasted 13 years – I underwent 7 surgical operations which did nothing but make it worse. After just 2 weeks of drinking the Kangen Water the infection was completely gone and has not returned. It has been gone now for over 7 months without any indication of reappearing. If that’s not enough benefit, I have also lost 18 pounds and my health energy gets better and better!

I thank God I found this wonderful Kangen Water! I now find that sharing this miracle water with others is providing me a better growing income than I had in the traditional job world.

Kate Riegler Tucson, AZ

Crohn's Disease & Kangen Water

I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease approximately 20 years ago.
I started drinking Kangen Water approximately in December of 2008. For the last 3 years my disease had slowly but steadily gotten worse. There are many foods such as certain fruits and vegetables that I could no longer tolerate to eat. Loose stools and diarrhea became the norm and not the exception. Heartburn and acid reflux were an everyday occurrence for me. I had decided that this was just the way my life was going to be. I was always going to have to keep my medication with me and say goodbye to the foods I could no longer eat. I would probably have as I got older, at the least, scarred intestines and at the worst, colon cancer. The very first day I started drinking Kangen Water, my heartburn and acid reflux disappeared. Within a week my stools became normal and I actually had a bit of constipation. That hadn't happened since I was 18! I haven't had to take any medication for my Crohn’s since I started drinking Kangen Water. I'm slowly adding back the foods that I couldn't have and am glad to report that I can tolerate lettuce and grapes again. I'm so looking forward to trying watermelon this summer. I have missed that the most. Because of the very nature of my disease, my body does not absorb vitamins very well, especially the B vitamins. On top of that, vitamin supplements made me sick to my stomach. Not only is my body now getting vitamins from my food more effectively, but I can tolerate supplements again.

I always thought that I slept well for the most part but after a week of drinking Kangen Water I realized I didn't know what good sleep was. I woke up refreshed (I thought that was just a saying) and ready to start my day. I still have aches and pains, because I'm an active 42 year old, but the strains and pinches don't last as long or are as intense as they used to be. A strained back muscle no longer knocks me down for the rest of the day but only for a few hours. I don't have to take stronger medications to get rid of the pain like ibuprofen (which irritates the stomach) but can get by with just Tylenol.

I always knew water was good for you and an important part of bodily function, but I never thought it could change my health so dramatically. Thank you Mindy, Rick, and Kangen Water!

Staci Daniel
Leigh, NE

Bone Density Improvement Measured

77-Year Old Improves Bone Density

Hello, my name is Greta DeHart. I am Anne DeHart’s sister-in-law.

I got my SD501 Kangen Water™ generator in June of 2008. I began drinking the 8.5 pH water… then worked up to 9.5 pH… but only drank it when I thought about it. Then, I learned I should be drinking 4 glasses of Kangen Water™ every morning 45 minutes before eating. That took some doing… two glasses were easy, but getting the other two down took a bit of doing. However, now that my body has gotten used to getting its four glass “flush” every morning, it is quite unsatisfied if it does not get its water! A couple of times, when I have had an early appointment and could not drink before I left, my body fussed until I got back home and drank my quart! -- Today, I drink a total of about three quarts to a gallon a day. I had a Dexa Scan (bone density scan) back on July 19, 2007 and my doctor thought it was time for me to have another. So I had a new Dexa Scan on January 27th 2009. When I went in to get the results, my doctor greeted me, saying, “This is totally unprecedented! Things like this just don’t happen!” This really unnerved me, and I was afraid of what I might hear next! It turned out that he was overwhelmed by my DexaScan results:

Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) is 1.126 gm/cm2, T score -0.6 and Z score 1.1. These values are in the normal range and demonstrate a 3.9% improvement compared to the previous exam. Prior density was 1.084 gm/cm2. I am 77 years old, and ... I guess I am the first 77-year-old patient he has seen whose bone density has gone UP at this stage of my life! Isn't that wonderful?

Greta DeHart

Dog Lovers & Veterinarians

Dog Breath Eliminated by Using Strong Acidic Spray Water
Here's a story about my dog, Ginger. Ginger is a red poodle & she'll be 6 in February. When the Vet checked her teeth he showed me her BLACK gums and said she would have to have her teeth cleaned. Her breath smelled terrible. Well, I tried to clean them with a small cloth, as he said... but no luck. When I finally took her in, I was presented with a cost estimate of OVER $700! In all my years of dog-ownership, that topped them all!
Then I got to thinking of all the stories about 2.5 pH helping people who were suffering with gingivitis. So I declined the "cleaning" which included anesthesia, drugs, pain meds and opted to apply my 2.5 pH strong acidic Kangen water.
I did this at least once a day, at bedtime. I just take the 2.5 pH black spray bottle, pull up her lips and spray! I try for doing this twice a day.
Well... you should see her pretty pink/red gums again! And her breath has no odor! And I did not have to pay for an expensive invasive cleaning! Anne DeHart, Tucson, AZ

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Testimony from Mr. Doug Eide from San Antonio, TX

It was a dreary January day when I started drinking Kangen Water.

My Enagic SD501 Kangen Water generator arrived the first week of the new year (2008). My wife and I were just a bit skeptical that it would do very much. I started by making and consuming about 4 to 5 litters of Kangen Water every day. In a short time, I noticed that I had more energy. Other improvements started to happen gradually in my body as well:

Energy - My energy level has improved dramatically. I feel like I have regained my life. I feel like I have the energy level that I had 25 years ago, as a runner and triathlete. Indigestion - My problems with the ongoing indigestion, I have experienced, for the last few years have completely disappeared. Weight Loss - I lost almost 15 pounds in my first 3 or 4 months and have kept it off, without changing my eating habits. Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels - This is a great area for me since my daily blood sugar levels have been consistently lower and my A1C tests are also lower, to the warm surprise of my physicians. Since, I have had diabetes for over 15 years, with a steady worsening of my blood sugar levels, the doctors were warning me that they wanted to evaluate me for going onto a daily regimen of insulin shots. With my improvement, that I believe came as a result of drinking the Kangen Water, this is no longer being considered. Arthritis and Pain - Before drinking Kangen Water, my joints were painfully stiff and I couldn't actively jog or run. I was unable to grip anything strongly. After a few months of consuming an average of 4 litters (or more) daily, I have regained my strong grip and the ongoing pain in my joints has diminished to virtually nothing. I am now able to walk and jog again. Exercise and Lactic Acid - Before I started drinking the Kangen Water I seldom exercised. It just drained me too much. But that has changed, and I now walk / jog for 3 to 5 miles, four to five times a week. Also, I had a significant amount of post exercise lactic acid buildup, which is painful and discourages exercise expansion. As a result of drinking the water, I believe, that this lactic acid buildup is very mild and my recovery time is much faster (compared to what it used to be even years ago). Teeth (and Bones) - A friend of mine, told me that she experienced a gradual tooth re-calcification of her teeth as a result of consistently drinking Kangen Water. I was, of course, very skeptical of this, but as time has passed my remaining live teeth have become very perceptively whiter than my partial (false) teeth. This did not happen overnight, but even my dentist, is at a loss to explain the changes in my live teeth to a 4x brighter whiteness. This excites me as I am hoping that I have a similar improvement in my bone density. Healthy Sleep - I now sleep better (more restfully and more satisfactorily) and seem to feel fine with a little less sleep than I used to before drinking Kangen Water. I am glad to state that my former insomnia is in the past now. Constipation - I used to have a real problem with daily constipation. Thankfully, I am now very regular and have had no more pain and discomfort from ongoing constipation. I believe that the Kangen Water has significantly assisted in this resolution. Cholesterol Levels - My physicians warned me last year, prior to my purchasing the Kangen Water generator that my bad cholesterol lab results were gradually getting worse. They were considering putting me on daily medication, and discussed diet changes that they recommended to assist me. Healthy Feelings - As a result of my daily consumption of Kangen Water, I feel healthier than I have in years, and believe that my body is functioning better than it has since I was in my twenties. I am able to exercise more and have had significantly reduced pain levels and arthritis problems and constipation and digestion discomforts. I would gladly sell my car before I would give up my SD501 Kangen Water generator. I am thrilled with the many things that the Kangen Water has done for me! I did not expect these dramatic results. Most of the positive results came gradually, as I consistently drank the water every day. I am not claiming that Kangen Water will do any of the above for anyone else, but it has been wonderful for me!
DISCLAIMER: Obviously everyone is different and so their effects from consuming Kangen Water will differ. That is why the company will not (and legally cannot) make any specific health claims.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Eyesight Testimony

Eyesight Testimonial from Sandy
I am so excited this morning I just had to share this with you! I have been drinking the Kangen® water now for 3 days and using the beauty water on my face, hair and splashing it over my eyes. This morning I noticed I could read the small print on business cards which I have had problems with before.
1 year ago, I paid $3,800 for Lasik surgery so that I wouldn’t need reading glasses anymore. It worked for the first three months, then after that my eyes started regressing back and I had to strain them to see small print. It was 6 months later when they did the procedure on me a second time and I have been going in for eye visits every two months since. My eyes were again regressing back. Three days ago I had my two month visit and the doctor agreed my reading capability is regressing again. I should also mention the types of eye therapies he was prescribing over the last year. I was using Restasis® drops morning and night, OptiveTM Lubricant Eye drops throughout the day (5-6 times), plus I have been taking prescription Bio Tears oral gel caps.
Despite using these three different types of medication therapies, my doctor was surprised that my eyes had not improved.
Here’s my exciting news! It was Sunday morning in my office when I noticed that my eyesight had improved dramatically. I could now see the small print on documents and business cards. I had done absolutely nothing different – except -- I began drinking micro-fine super hydrating Kangen® water. I attended a public meeting Thursday evening February 12th where I was able to fill up and take home two gallons of 9.0 and 9.5 pH water.
I have averaged drinking 7-9 (16oz) bottles daily since Thursday night. The very next day on Friday, I received my Enagic Kangen® water unit delivered by UPS. So, it had been 3 days of drinking this Kangen® water when I got up this past Sunday morning to do bills. Surprisingly, I was able to read the small print on the statements when I hadn’t been able to do before! I have appointments every other month with my eye doctor and the next one is coming up the beginning of April. If this continues and he sees this improvement, he is going to ask what I have been doing differently!
I have lost 4 pounds since starting on this Kangen® Water. Also, the tone of my skin is smoother which tells me that the fat cells are releasing the amount of acidity in them therefore reducing my puffiness and cellulite.
Unbelievable! I can’t wait to see more health results from this incredible water! I could never have imagined that this super hydrating water was going to help my eyes!
That’s my story! WOW!
Sandy, Phoenix, AZ

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Using Kangen Water In Your Kitchen

E.Coli, Salmonella, and Other Bugs in your kitchen

How many of you or your loved ones have become ill with food poisoning by eating chicken, fish, or meat infected with salmonella, E. coli, or Campylobactor?

It is recommended that we cook chicken to 165 degrees and carefully wash our hands with soap after handling it.

Infections from these bacteria can be lethal in the elderly, infants, and those with immune system impairment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 3.4 Million Americans will become ill and 700 will die per year from salmonella and Campylobactor from all sources.

Strong Acidic Kangen Water to the rescue!

Studies from U.C. Davis' Department of Agriculture show that using the strong acidic form of Kangen Water will kill these bacteria, and hundreds of other food borne pathogens.

This occurs in less than 1 minute of exposure.

Strong Acidic Kangen Water is a great common sense approach to ridding your meats of harmful bacteria to provide a natural means of safety for you and your family.

Super Testimony

Kangen Water helps colitis

Justin was 15 years old when he was diagnosed with Colitis.
He is currently 21 years old and is a college student. He is active and his weight to height ratio is healthy. Colitis is a chronic digestive disease characterized by inflammation and pain in the colon. Symptoms range from constipation with little to no bowel movement to uncontrollable bouts of diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Justin has been prescribed several antibiotics over the course of six years to treat the colitis.
Justin was participating at at a sports academy taking lessons in jiu jitsu. The instructor overheard him talk about his problems: having to get up and leave in the middle of his classes, missing up to an hour and a half at a time, several times a week.
The teacher invited Justin to come to her home and get some Kangen Water. A bit hesitant, he took only one liter of water home.
Justin called after three days and reported that his diarrhea had decreased by 50%.
Needless to say... he was excited. The teacher then invited him over again and recommended he drink one half gallon of Kangen Water a day.
He left with 3 gallons of Kangen Water this time.
In a week Justin transformed into an enthusiastic young man and reported that he had had only one bout of diarrhea the entire week!
Again, the teacher invited him over and this time recommended he drink his body weight in ounces of water rather than just the one half gallon a day.
The end result??? No diarrhea for over 2 months now, plus greatly increased energy and improved sleep!
Justin even ate a hot pepper! To which his mother asked, ' What are you doing.' Justin smiled broadly and responded 'I'm fine now Mom.'
Isn't it your turn to feel great?

The word is getting out!

What do entertainer Antonio Banderas, basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, legal advocate Erin Brokovich, actor Seven Segal, "Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels and academy award nominated actress Angela Bassett have in common?

They all drink Kangen Water from Enagic's water ionization system! Yes, they all own Enagic water ionizers and each of them has purchased more than one machine!

Why do they drink Kangen Water ? They each saw the demonstration showing the acidity of drinking & bottled waters and came to the obvious conclusion: they simply had to have the system for their health! They experienced the incredible health benefits that drinking restructured hexagonal ionized alkaline micro-fine antioxidant water provide... and now demand this "miracle water" for themselves and their families.