Saturday, January 17, 2009

Using Kangen Water In Your Kitchen

E.Coli, Salmonella, and Other Bugs in your kitchen

How many of you or your loved ones have become ill with food poisoning by eating chicken, fish, or meat infected with salmonella, E. coli, or Campylobactor?

It is recommended that we cook chicken to 165 degrees and carefully wash our hands with soap after handling it.

Infections from these bacteria can be lethal in the elderly, infants, and those with immune system impairment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 3.4 Million Americans will become ill and 700 will die per year from salmonella and Campylobactor from all sources.

Strong Acidic Kangen Water to the rescue!

Studies from U.C. Davis' Department of Agriculture show that using the strong acidic form of Kangen Water will kill these bacteria, and hundreds of other food borne pathogens.

This occurs in less than 1 minute of exposure.

Strong Acidic Kangen Water is a great common sense approach to ridding your meats of harmful bacteria to provide a natural means of safety for you and your family.

Super Testimony

Kangen Water helps colitis

Justin was 15 years old when he was diagnosed with Colitis.
He is currently 21 years old and is a college student. He is active and his weight to height ratio is healthy. Colitis is a chronic digestive disease characterized by inflammation and pain in the colon. Symptoms range from constipation with little to no bowel movement to uncontrollable bouts of diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Justin has been prescribed several antibiotics over the course of six years to treat the colitis.
Justin was participating at at a sports academy taking lessons in jiu jitsu. The instructor overheard him talk about his problems: having to get up and leave in the middle of his classes, missing up to an hour and a half at a time, several times a week.
The teacher invited Justin to come to her home and get some Kangen Water. A bit hesitant, he took only one liter of water home.
Justin called after three days and reported that his diarrhea had decreased by 50%.
Needless to say... he was excited. The teacher then invited him over again and recommended he drink one half gallon of Kangen Water a day.
He left with 3 gallons of Kangen Water this time.
In a week Justin transformed into an enthusiastic young man and reported that he had had only one bout of diarrhea the entire week!
Again, the teacher invited him over and this time recommended he drink his body weight in ounces of water rather than just the one half gallon a day.
The end result??? No diarrhea for over 2 months now, plus greatly increased energy and improved sleep!
Justin even ate a hot pepper! To which his mother asked, ' What are you doing.' Justin smiled broadly and responded 'I'm fine now Mom.'
Isn't it your turn to feel great?

The word is getting out!

What do entertainer Antonio Banderas, basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, legal advocate Erin Brokovich, actor Seven Segal, "Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels and academy award nominated actress Angela Bassett have in common?

They all drink Kangen Water from Enagic's water ionization system! Yes, they all own Enagic water ionizers and each of them has purchased more than one machine!

Why do they drink Kangen Water ? They each saw the demonstration showing the acidity of drinking & bottled waters and came to the obvious conclusion: they simply had to have the system for their health! They experienced the incredible health benefits that drinking restructured hexagonal ionized alkaline micro-fine antioxidant water provide... and now demand this "miracle water" for themselves and their families.