Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fibromyalgia/Severe Pain/ Degenerative Disc Disease/MS

Severe Pain & Fibromyalgia Gone

I have suffered many years with a very debilitating form of fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease and have also been symptomatic with MS. Too often, the pain is so severe I become extremely nauseated which triggers profuse vomiting. I also experience episodes of violent muscle spasms that attack multiple areas all over my body at the same time. These episodes or attacks are so violent I will actually be thrown onto the floor in a convulsive-like state, flopping around helplessly like a fish out of water. I have had numerous drug therapies and physical therapies—but my condition has only continued to progress. Nothing seemed to help—so I just accepted it as a “normal” part of my life and that nothing could be done to stop its painful progression. When I was introduced to the Kangen® Water, I was at first very skeptical. But with the first couple of glasses, I actually felt some relief to my pain! That was truly amazing! I didn’t have to take any mind-altering drugs to get relief! We immediately purchased a machine. Now I have been drinking the 9.5 for about 6 months and amazingly, I am 90-95% well! I have many consecutive days without any pain whatsoever! This is significant to me because until drinking the water, I was in pain every single day—and very sick. My life is back and I am a whole person again! This water has given me freedom I haven’t had in many years. I truly consider this Kangen® Water a wonderful gift from God!

Susan Biddulph, Phoenix, AZ

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jillian Michaels endorses Kangen Water

Jillian Michaels endorses Kangen Water

Jillian Michaels, famous weight loss & fitness expert, and trainer on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" recently endorsed Kangen Water from Enagic on Los Angeles KFI AM Radio Talk Show as the special ionized alkaline micro-fine water people should be drinking for weight loss and getting their bodies back into balance.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Kidney Stones - Hot Flashes - Cirrhosis - Heavy Metals

My 70 year old father passed a kidney stone after drinking 1 gallon of this water. He woke up in the middle of the night (which he usually doesn't do) and had some pain that lasted about 1 minute, then it was over. It was his first kidney stone he ever passed. Without the water, it would probably have been more painful and very likely would have required a visit to the ER.

My mom's hot flashes during the day and her severe night hot flashes are gone. She has had them for 18 years and has spent thousands of dollars and hormone creams and herbs. She says she's sleeping better and has lost at least 10 pounds. She's 5'4" and only 120 pounds.

As for myself (34 yrs. old) I have been able to stop boiling Chinese tea after 6 years because of my cirrhosis. (no, I wasn't an alcoholic) This has been the greatest miracle. Tea is very acidic; after I started drinking the Kangen Water, my bowels rejected the tea. I first bought a KYK Genesis water ionizer that pulled out heavy metal toxins so forcefully that my skin turned gray and I had unusual groin pain so severe that I went to the ER twice (nothing could be done there). So my family and friends prayed for me until I got the Enagic Kangen Water machine which IMMEDIATELY began to work. My pain went away and I was able to drink at least a gallon a day. When the groin pain comes back (which is rare now),I chug down a quart and the pain goes away within minutes. I can even get away with using Redmond's Real Salt in moderation without feeling uncomfortable. Before drinking the Kangen Water, I was so bloated that I could not sleep and I looked like I was 8 months pregnant. I can also tolerate the smell of heavy chemicals without running out of the room. I'm sure in time the Kangen water will pull out these heavy metals and be a major part of reversing my cirrhosis.
Thank you God for sending me Kangen Water!
~S DeLashmutt (California)